N87 Virus | Book 1 | After the Outbreak Page 26
“You will feel a cold liquid on your hip soon. It will not hurt.” Mary said as she lowered her face even to Allison’s, her timid smile attempting to cover the dread and sorrow that filled her eyes. Allison held her gaze until she stood, moving from view once again.
“Unfortunately for you our supplies were intercepted,” Dr. Neff said as he pulled his surgical mask up over his face.“We do not have any local anesthetic to ease the pain of this procedure.”
“The pain will be short-lived.” Mary’s voice stumbled over every syllable. “Even without the numbing agent.”
“Please, do not speak with the specimen, Mary.” He scowled at her. “You shouldn’t humanize them. It encourages unrest and ultimately costs us time and efficiency.”
“Yes, sir. I am very sorry.” Mary averted her eyes away from Allison’s face. Allison’s breath caught in her throat. Her chest tightened as each breath came quicker and quicker. Every nerve was on fire; goosebumps littered her body.
The smooth material of a gloved hand pulled her skin taut across the back of her hip. Then the prick of something sharp puncturing her skin, sliding across its surface. She trembled, unable to control the chattering of her teeth.
“Please. Please don’t do this,” Allison pleaded as shudder engulfed her entire body. She felt the familiar heat build in her core only for it to stop suddenly again, drowned away in a cool wave. Her fatigued muscles quivered with no fight left in them. Pressure. Searing pain as the sharp object reached her bone. The room spun around her, and nausea overcame her. Vomit spilled out of her mouth onto the table, merging with the pool of her tears. The sour scent burned her nose, and she gagged again. She held her breath. The gnawing pain of something twisting itself into her bone, pressure building with each turn. Then a sudden relief of the pressure. Allison released her breath. The twisting resumed, deep in her bone now. Excruciating pain shooting through her hip. Her legs spasmed against the table.
“Mary, add another strap across her legs. I need her still to get the core sample out!” Dr. Neff shouted.
Allison felt leather pulled across the backs of her knees, pressing her further into the table. Her legs continued to spasm as pain overtook her, but the movements were held by the added restraint. The pain swallowed Allison. The surrounding room disappeared as her consciousness retreated into the depths of her being.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Lyon perched up in a tree with his sniper rifle. Other armed Resistance members were hiding among the trees surrounding the facility. Morgan stayed hidden in the forest, under a close eye. She was too unpredictable to trust on the front lines.
The compound was surprisingly not well guarded. One Collector walked along the top of the building and two Collectors patrolled the ground along the border of the facility’s fence. Another two Collectors were at the gate monitoring everyone who came and went. They all seemed bored and unworried.
“Where is everyone?” Cassi pressed herself against the ground right outside the fence on the backside of the building.
“I don’t know. But there are a lot fewer vehicles here than they had when they came into town yesterday.” Trevor lay next to her in the dirt, watching the Collectors patrol the compound.
“Maybe they are out causing shit with other people?” Matt wondered.
“Are you sure we can trust your sister?” Gabby asked.
“Even given how she feels about Allison, she would not knowingly put me in danger. I believe her,” Matt said.
“Okay, then let’s do this. But be prepared to hightail it out of here if shit hits the fan,” Cassi said. The guard disappeared around the corner on his patrol and Cassi sprinted through the woods to the other side of the building.
Trevor, Matt, and Gabby positioned themselves at the rear of the building. They waited for the guard to pass and then Matt used wire cutters to clip a hole in the fence big enough for them to slip through. Gabby climbed through first, leading the group to hide behind a large dumpster near a back entrance as they waited for the cue.
Cassi slipped through a cut she made in the fence on the side of the building. Another Collector would be walking this area in less than three minutes, so she had to be quick. She ran across the open yard until she reached the building. She placed an explosive on the lower wall, then another a few feet over from the first one. She pressed buttons on the side of the bundle of C-4, then went to place the last explosive in the alcove of the building as the next Collector passed by the fence line. Gabby kept Cassi in her view since the alcove of the building blocked Lyon’s view and rendered his sniper abilities useless to help her. The Collector strolled by Cassi, scanning the forest with his eyes. Gabby watched in horror as Cassi struggled to attach the explosive to the wall and remained fixated on her task, unaware of the Collector’s presence. Gabby looked around and saw no other Collectors nearby.
“Stay here,” Gabby hissed to the boys and she sprinted toward Cassi.
The Collector turned from the forest and saw Cassi. He raised his gun and started to call out just as Gabby slipped her arm around his neck, cutting off his windpipe and carotid arteries. The Collector’s hands grasped at Gabby’s arm, his nails digging into her, causing red blood to streak her porcelain skin. The Collector tried to scream but couldn’t get enough air to make a noise. Gabby leaned back, pulling back on the Collector’s neck with all her weight. They both fell to the ground with the Collector on top of Gabby, but she never loosened her hold until he stopped struggling and his body lay limp. She pushed him off of her and Cassi helped her drag his body into the corner of the alcove so it wouldn’t be visible when the other guard walked by again.
“Thanks,” Cassi said, her hands shaking. Gabby nodded then sprinted back to the dumpster and Cassi ran across the yard and squeezed back through the fence.
“Where did you learn to do that?” Trevor asked.
“We all have secrets, Marine.” Gabby crouched down, keeping the dumpster between her and the building. She looked at her watch. “Get ready.” Trevor crouched down next to Gabby, pulling Matt down with him.
Allison sat in the same dining hall as before. White tables bolted to the concrete floor were scattered around her. Allison caught a glimpse of her reflection in the metal cart full of food as her lunch was sat in front of her. Blackened left eye, swollen lower lip, hair in a disheveled ponytail at the nape of her neck. A mess. A train wreck. A broken disaster. She swept loose strands of hair from her face as she picked up the sandwich in front of her. Turkey.
A container of chocolate milk was placed on her tray. The corners of her mouth began to turn up until she looked up. Dr. Neff.
“I heard you enjoy this,” he said.
“And since when do you care what I enjoy?” she asked.
He sat down next to her with his own tray. He ate and motioned for her to join him. She kept her head down as she heaped food into her mouth. Their little meal dates were getting old.
“So, when are you going to kill me?” She looked up at him as she sipped her chocolate milk.
“Not today,” he said with a grin as he continued to eat.
Allison finished her food and leaned forward onto her elbows. She watched the son of a bitch eat his turkey sandwich and drink his water while he read the paper in front of him. Like they were just colleagues sharing a meal on their lunch break. Not the captor and captive they were.
“I have learned something new about your genetic abnormalities today. Your cells not only repair injuries at an astounding rate, they are aging slower than before. Your lifespan has been extended because you had the virus. Absolutely fascinating.” Dr. Neff looked up at her. “You are a walking fountain of youth.”
“Yay for me,” she said as she pushed her tray across the table. “I’m sure your son will appreciate being the subject of your next big scientific discovery.”
“My son will appreciate being free of N87.” The doctor’s forehead creased, his eyes darkened,
his jaw tightened.
“I wonder what he will think of all the sadistic things his daddy did to find the cure. All the torture and death. All the—”
“Enough,” he said. His fist slammed down onto the table, sending the trays smashing to the floor.
“You sure are touchy for a merciless killer. I can’t wait for your son to see what a piece of shit his father has become.” She spit at him.
Dr. Neff’s fist collided with her face. Blood filled her mouth, poured onto the white tile. She fell back, landing on the icy floor as he climbed on top of her, his hands wrapped around her neck, tightening around her windpipe.
“Don’t you ever talk about my son again. Unlike you, my son is innocent. He has killed no one. He wasn’t in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing when he got infected. None of what has happened to him is his fault.” His grip tightened around her throat.
She struggled against him, feeling the heat build in her core with each squeeze from his hands. Heavy footsteps filled the room. She pushed on his chest sending him straight up into the air; she rolled to the side as he came crashing back to the floor next to her. Black boots appeared by her head. Then came the burning shocks. Over and over and over again. As Allison started fading into blackness a deep rumble shook the building and she forced her eyes to remain open. That felt like an explosion. The black boots near her head disappeared running, out the door to the hall. Shouting bounced along the concrete walls.
As Dr. Neff stood in the door, the rattle of the building caused him to call to the floor, his forehead lined with worry. Stay awake, Allison. Allison shook her head trying to rid her brain of the fog that clouded it. What’s happening? Collectors ran past the door as Dr. Neff scrambled to his feet shouting instructions. Anything is better than this. Allison pulled herself to her feet using the table. She reached for the burn at her core and felt it come alive. It rushed over her, clearing her fogged mind, filling her fatigued muscles with strength. It’s now or never. Allison ran across the room, slamming her body into Dr. Neff so forcefully they both went barreling through the concrete wall behind him. Without missing a beat Allison rose to her feet and sprinted toward the sign labeled “Exit.” Dr. Neff grabbed her ankle, pulling her to the ground as he climbed on top of her, pressing his hands into her neck. Allison pushed her hand into his face while her other hand looked for something to grab on the floor. She clenched the first thing she felt and swung it toward the doctor. A chair rammed into his back, causing him to lose his grip on her neck. Allison felt the warmth building in her core, but no blinding anger. Her pulse beat in her ears, but it wasn’t at its usual deafening volume. She used the opportunity to throw Dr. Neff off of her using all of her strength. He went flying upward, through the ceiling tiles. Allison quickly rolled to the side before he came back down again along with most of the ceiling. Dr. Neff rose to his feet, almost unfazed by the trauma. Allison’s eyes grew wide. He’s like me.
“What the fuck?” Allison said. Dr. Neff smiled as he charged her. He hit her full force, knocking her into a metal cabinet, causing it to buckle. Allison felt the air leave her lungs, and she struggled to catch it as she slid down the cabinet to the ground. Her vision dimmed as she started losing consciousness. Stay awake! Allison ordered herself.
“As I said,” Dr. Neff reminded her. “You’re special. Your blood may not be enough to create a cure for all, but it has been very helpful in other ways.” He kicked Allison in the face and she felt the inside of her cheek split against her teeth. A daze overtook her. Dr. Neff lifted Allison from the ground and swung her onto his shoulder like a dead dog while he looked at his watch. The room was now upside down and spinning. Allison tried to lift her head and focus her vision, to gain her bearings. “This facility has been compromised. We will be late.” Dr. Neff said. He walked out of the room as Collectors and people in lab coats frantically ran past. Another explosion rocked through the building.
“We have started evacuation procedures, sir. The Resistance have set off explosions across the compound,” a Collector said as he stopped by Dr. Neff’s side. His uniform was slightly different, and he seemed in charge of the others. I can’t let them take me, wherever they run off to, Allison thought.
“Good. Have everyone load up in as few vehicles as possible. Get as many subjects out as you can. Get the healthy ones. Has the countdown sequence been started?”
“Yes sir,” the Collector said.
“Take her first,” Dr. Neff said as he began to pass Allison to the Collector. As he did, Allison began to violently shake her body like she was in the grip of a flashback. The ruse worked and she was quickly laid on her back on the floor as Dr. Neff shouted for some medication. Allison swung out her arms, landing squarely on the legs of Dr. Neff and the Collector as they stood next to her. Their legs were swiped from under them and both men tumbled to the ground in a heap on top of each other. Allison jumped to her feet and dashed down the hall.
“Go! Get her now!” Dr. Neff screamed. A group of Collectors gave chase.
Allison bolted, running faster than she ever had in her life. She looked over her shoulder and realized she had lost the Collectors, but as she approached the next hall, she was greeted by the sound of boots pounding across the floor. She saw a closet a few feet ahead of her marked “Janitorial” on the textured glass window of the door and she slipped inside. She didn’t turn on the light and backed away from the door until she bumped into a person behind her. The fire in her belly jumped to her throat as her body prepared to fight once again. Allison spun around and saw Mary cowering in the corner. Relief washed over her.
“Please, don’t hurt me. I’m so sorry.” Tears streamed down her red face. The pounding of boots was right outside the door. Shadows of the Collectors passed by the window. Allison held her finger to her lips and Mary put her hand over her mouth to muffle her crying. The footsteps passed the door and continued down the hall.
“I’m so sorry,” Mary repeated. “I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to hurt people. Please don’t hurt me.” Mary’s voice strained and crackled with tears.
“I won’t hurt you. Why are you hiding in here? Just leave.”
“Dr. Neff kills deserters. I’d rather die in here than keep helping him.”
“What do you mean die in here?” Allison asked. All the hair on her neck and arms stood on end as a chill ran across her skin.
“He has the entire building rigged to blow. It’s his fail safe in case we are compromised. It’s only a matter of minutes by now, I’m sure.”
“Do you know what’s happening? How do I get out?”
“The Resistance are attacking, probably to free the test subjects like you.” Mary pushed back her tears. “You need to leave now. Take a left out the door then a right at the hall. There’s a back exit at the end of that hall.”
“Come with me.”
“I can’t. I just can’t,” Mary said as she slid down the wall and cried. Allison tugged on Mary’s arm, but she jerked away. “Leave me here. Save yourself. I can’t do this anymore.” As Allison contemplated carrying the woman Mary seemed to read her mind.
“It would be really hard for you to make it out of here with me on your back. You deserve to live. Go. Now!” Mary screamed. Afraid Mary would draw Collectors to their hiding spot, she bolted out the door following the directions Mary gave her.
Allison made the right and the exit sign burned high and green at the end of the hall. She ran full force for the door, but a feeling like a million tiny butterflies fluttering around in her stomach made her stop herself. She placed her hands on the door and barely pushed it open. Gunfire and screams filled her ears from outside. There are others here, Allison remembered as her stomach dropped, sending a wave of nausea over her. People Dr. Neff deemed no longer worthy of his experiments and therefore no longer entitled to life. Allison turned away from the door and took off back up the hall.
An explosion erupted from the side of the bui
lding. The dumpster rattled. Fire raced up the side of the tan wall of the building, chunks of concrete flying into the air. Smoke clouded the grounds. Every Collector at the gate and on patrol ran toward it. The doors of the facility flew open and Collectors came pouring out, guns drawn, ready to fight. Snipers fired from the woods, engulfing the Collectors in bullets. A fog of white smoke filled the woods, giving Resistance members more cover. Lyon’s signal. The Collectors rushed to find cover, leaving their fallen comrades where they lay. The other Resistance members in the woods began firing at the Collectors, preventing them from advancing from their positions.
“Now!” Gabby screamed.
Trevor, Matt, and Gabby rushed the door as the explosions erupted. Gabby leaped over a fallen Collector, dead on the ground. As they reached the door, more Collectors rushed out. Trevor swung his fist, hitting the first square in the nose. The Collector raised his gun and pointed it at Trevor, but Trevor was quicker. He grabbed the man’s wrist, pushing it down, sending the bullet into the ground. Trevor kept applying pressure to the Collector’s wrist until it snapped and the man screamed. Trevor kneed him in the gut before hitting him on the back of the head with the butt of his gun, knocking the man out cold.
Gabby raised her gun, firing a shot into the next Collector’s chest as soon as he appeared in the doorway. Matt opened fire, unleashing a rapid stream of bullets down the hall into the building. The Collectors retreated, and the large metal door closed. Trevor yanked down on the door handle, but it wouldn’t budge. The keypad next to the door was destroyed. Matt aimed his gun at the handle and fired. The shot ricocheted off, hardly leaving a dent. He fired again, still barely causing damage to the door. He yanked at the door trying to get it to open but it was no use. Trevor put his hand on Matt’s arm and shook his head.